Wednesday, December 8, 2010

2010 Christmas Card

Joyful World Religious
Unique party invitations and announcements by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's been awhile...

Wow it's been so long since I've been on here....

Well last week I had to say goodbye to my Grandfather Waterstreet, it's been one of the sadest weekends of my life so far. I cried in the arms of my Father, Mother, Brother, Uncle, and even Grandma. I will never forgot just the anger I had inside of the hurt and pain and realization I will never see my most amazing Grandfather again :-( Anthony was such a great husband through all this time, all his love and comfort during this time was just what I needed, I even cried myself to sleep with him holding me...Thank you my love!

It will be a weekend I will never forgot, all the heartache, but at the same time during his service there was knowing that one day I will see him again up in Heaven. There is joy and peace that I hold onto now that Grandad is in such a better place now, he isn't in pain anymore, he isn't hurting, and he isn't taking loads of medication.

Grandad was such a special man...he is one who will never be forgotten by many. He was so sweet and tender. I will always hold close to my heart so many special memories from the moment I could remember. He was always so full of life....something I wont to carry on to my children.

Grandad was so precious to me and my heart will never let him go....he will never be forgotten!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The New Year...

Well 2010 is fast approaching, only 3 days to go. I can't believe how fast this year went!

Well with the new year, I'm wanting a new me! Monday of next week I'm starting my beloved Weight Watcher's again! Last time I did weight watchers I lost more than 20 pounds. With all the craziness of the wedding planning and other things out of my life it's time to get back on track and loose these rolls that have formed :-)

This weekend I hope to also take down all the Christmas decor...I'm sad to see it go already!

I'm excited about also getting storage shelving for in the laundry room so I can get things out of the middle of the room and up and organized against the wall to make my little exercise area.

Here's to a new year....2010 here we come :-)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas at the Lugo's

Pretty much all Christmas decor is up until I add a few things here and there!

It's the start to a crazy weekend.....Tomorrow I'm kicked out of the house for a Bachelor Night, Anthony's cousin is getting married Saturday so we have the wedding Saturday as well as the downtown Christmas Parade, last year our church handed out Free Hot Chocolate and we are doing it again this year....they are calling for possible snow so we shall see!

Sunday Anthony and his brother are taking their dad to a Redskins game for his birthday and my beautiful mother-n-law and I are having a mother daughter day so I'm super excited about that!!!

Every weekend for the whole month is booked we go to the beautiful Holiday Time!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Reflective Meeting...

Right after work today I went up North to Dumfries to meet up with 2 old High School teachers, Mrs. Scoleri & Mrs. Jackson. These two I will never forget and they mean the world to me and I'm blessed to have them in my life. I went through a lot with them in my High School career and stood by them as their FBLA Vice President and then President.

Mrs. Jackson was able to be apart of our BIG DAY, but Mrs. Scoleri was not which was part of our reason for meeting up so I could share all of our Wedding Photos with them and we could all catch up on life :-)

While going through the pictures one of them had the back of a head of a truly loved and dear man to our hearts, Mrs. Jackson goes that's the man I sat next to at the reception, I was like Bob Irby? and then my other teacher goes I know him from such and such church and his brothers owned a construction company.....I got kinda sad and had to tell them that he past away 2 weeks ago tomorrow....both teachers were very shocked with the news....

Then Mrs. Jackson tells me about her first impressions of Bob Irby and before she left how he spoke into her life; which later that day and the next day situations came up and she recalled exactly what Bob had said to her and it was exactly what she needed to hear. Because Bob was obedient to what God wanted spoken into her life she was able to be used by God which is what He wanted!

Just writing this God is continuing to speak to me...

How are you living your life? Are you leaving an impression on those that you meet even for a day? What kind of legacy are you leaving behind?

Our lives are so intertwined and you never know who you will run into that will make this world seem so much smaller.....Are you giving hope to those around you?

Are you allowing God to move through you? to speak through you?

Life is too short......Give it up to the One that matters....Let it go.....Stop holding on and tryng to control this life on your own....Live life to the fullest because you never know when your last day will be...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Holidays

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything, life is on Full Blast for sure and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon....but I keep praying time would just slow down a little :-)

We bought ornaments for our Christmas Tree this weekend and I'm so extremely excited and can't wait to put up all our Christmas Decor for our First Christmas as a married couple!
I've also ventured way out in my exploring of cooking/baking and made my first Flan this week, not just Flan, a Pumpkin Flan it's been a huge hit and it was freakin amazing I must say!
I'll be making it for our Turkey Palooza dinner at church and then for Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009


I finally did my little Fall Project I wanted to do...and I'm pretty happy about it